Cyril is one of our Wellbeing Centre patients and we sat down with him to listen to his experience at the Wellbeing Groups and sessions here at Teesside Hospice.

“My name is Cyril Chesson, and I was brought into the Teesside Hospice Wellbeing Centre to chat to other men and make new connections.

I attend the Men’s Wellbeing Arms group on a Tuesday morning for two hours, and we do things like having a game of cards and dominoes which can get very competitive. I enjoy it and look forward to it every week.

Everybody here is so friendly, and I’ve got to know so many men here going through similar experiences to me, as well as the brilliant nurses. 

By coming here, I find that I’ve got company where I can come and chat to people without any stigmas. 

My condition is that I’ve lost my left leg, and I’m unable to walk, which has closed a lot of things down in my life. But the main thing is, groups like this still allow me to get out there and try new things.”

Last year, our wellbeing team supported 216 patients just like Cyril. Thank you for your incredible support!

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